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Deep Roots And Shared Traditions

The Interrelation Between Israel's Culture and the Jewish Diaspora

Deep Roots and Shared Traditions

The culture and traditions of Israel are deeply rooted in the Jewish religion and its rich history.

The Jewish culture originated in ancient Israel and has spread throughout the world through the diaspora, the dispersion of Jews outside their homeland.

Each Jewish community around the globe identifies as part of a larger international religious and cultural group, with a history in the region dating back to ancient times.

A Melting Pot of Cultures

Israel is a diverse multi-cultural society, home to various ethnic and religious groups.

The country recognizes that preserving cultural individuality while striving for unity benefits the nation.

The Foundation of Israeli Identity

A shared diverse cultural heritage, common language, and a Jewish tradition, both religious and historical, form the foundation of Israeli identity.

These shared elements unite the people of Israel despite their diverse backgrounds.
