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Intellij Shortcuts Change


IntelliJ IDEA Keymap for Editing and Running Java Applications

Keymap Overview

IntelliJ IDEA provides a comprehensive set of keyboard shortcuts to streamline code editing, navigation, refactoring, debugging, and various other tasks. This blog post focuses specifically on the keymap for editing, building, and running Java applications in IntelliJ IDEA.

Editing Shortcuts

Editing shortcuts include commands for code completion, refactoring, and code generation. Here are some common editing shortcuts:

  • Ctrl+Space: Code completion
  • Ctrl+Alt+T: Rename symbol
  • Ctrl+Alt+C: Extract variable/constant
  • Ctrl+Alt+Shift+T: Surround with try/catch

Navigation Shortcuts

Navigation shortcuts make it easy to navigate through code and jump between different files and symbols. Some useful navigation shortcuts:

  • Ctrl+N: Go to class
  • Ctrl+Shift+N: Go to file
  • Ctrl+Up/Down: Navigate through hierarchy
  • Ctrl+E: Open recent files

Refactoring Shortcuts

Refactoring shortcuts enable quick and efficient code restructuring and organization. Here are some commonly used refactoring shortcuts:

  • Ctrl+Alt+Shift+R: Rename
  • Ctrl+Alt+Shift+M: Move
  • Ctrl+Alt+Shift+T: Extract method
  • Ctrl+Alt+Shift+I: Introduce variable

Debugging Shortcuts

Debugging shortcuts help you inspect and troubleshoot code during execution. Some notable debugging shortcuts:

  • F8: Step into
  • F7: Step over
  • F6: Step out
  • F4: Toggle breakpoint
  • F9: Resume program

Customizing the Keymap

IntelliJ IDEA allows for customization of the keymap to suit your preferences. You can edit existing shortcuts or create new ones using the Keymap settings page. To access this page, navigate to File > Settings > Keymap.

Use the search bar to find specific shortcuts or actions. You can also create custom keymaps and switch between them as needed.


By leveraging the keyboard shortcuts provided by IntelliJ IDEA, developers can significantly enhance their productivity and streamline their Java development workflow. The keymap covers a wide range of tasks, from editing and navigation to debugging and refactoring. Remember to customize the keymap according to your preferences to optimize your coding experience.

